Friday, May 29, 2009


I made these cookies and cupcakes last halloween. The cookies I justused pumpkin shaped cookie cutters and then chocolate chips and gum drops to decorate them. For the eyeball cupcakes I did some with gummy eyeballs like the ones above and others I just used colored frosting to make the iris and pupil. The spiders are plastic.


These are christmas tree cookies I made for the holidays. They are stacked sugar cookies dyed with green food coloring. I made star shaped cookie cutters in various sizes to make the shpaes.

Hello Cupcakes

These cupcakes came from the book Hello Cupcake. The dog was really easy to make. The penguins were a bit tougher. We had some trouble with the pieces sliding. Next time I think we need to let more of the frosting drip off and let them set longer.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Guitar Cupcakes

These are guitar cupcakes a friend and I made for another friend's birthday. It took a while to figure out how to make them guitar shaped but I think it worked out.